BestIT provides a variety of information technology solutions designed to reduce their clients' dependence on an internal IT department and help find the exact fit for their technology needs. But IT can be a pretty dry, jargon-filled field, and BestIT wanted to move away from that kind of messaging.
So, they hired Phoenix-based Randy Murray Productions to help them create short, humorous video vignettes to illustrate their competitive advantages and how they can help their clients. And they brought in the Kitchen Sink Studios team to build a web site around the videos and help them craft similarly clever messaging for the web and print collateral.
The videos feature "Seth," the average IT guy at the average company, as he bumbles thoughtlessly through his day while his company is tied in knots by IT problems. And it illustrates for potential clients that there's a solution that's better than "Seth" — and BestIT will help them find it.
The result is up and running at, and is fully coded to respond and display on mobile devices as well.
It's a unique site because it is so heavily reliant on the videos, and it was an exciting challenge to make sure it translated well to mobile devices.
The print collateral materials are coming off the presses soon, but they carry over the "Seth" theme quite nicely. Our team enjoyed the challenge of taking something that's usually dry and serious and turning it into an entertaining way of telling the BestIT story.
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