Monday, November 15, 2010

Featured Project: DuPont Air Products NanoMaterials Web Site

This week’s Featured Project is a unique Flash web site Kitchen Sink Studios©, Inc. developed for DuPont Air Products NanoMaterials earlier this year. We wrote about the initial concept for the site on this blog about a year ago, but the site is now fully built out and functional.

DA NanoMaterials is the world’s foremost provider of electronic polishing products, which are critical to the manufacture of computer chips and silicon wafers. Therefore, their target audience is companies that are on the cutting edge of current technology, and many of their customers are located in Asia.

The products are not very visual in nature, so Kitchen Sink Studios’ challenge was to find a way to create a web presence for them that incorporated a high-tech feel. The creative team came up with the concept of using hexagons as a visual element to represent the chemistry involved in DA NanoMaterials’ manufacturing process. The hexagon elements allowed for the creation of an interesting, interative navigation menu as well.

We then took it a step further by incorporating a “spectrum” background that constantly changes color as you view the site, providing a sense of motion and life while again emphasizing the product technology. And, the content is presented without the boxes or constraining elements found on most web sites, making the design feel more open and interactive for the site visitor.

We’re always working to develop the most visually captivating ways to convey our clients’ messages, whether through branding and identity, animation, video or web sites like the one we developed for DA NanoMaterials. This colorful solution is one we’re particularly proud of.